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This teaching guide was designed so that children in Years 2-4 could study Pre-17th Century American History together. Students will study early American History with a focus on Native Americans, early explorers to the Americas, the first Thanksgiving, the voyage of the Mayflower, pilgrims and the first interactions of the pilgrims with the Native Americans.


This history guide includes: 


  • connection prompts
  • words to know
  • working with maps
  • teaching notes
  • narration suggestions
  • exam prompts


Created for A Mind in the Light, an emerging Charlotte Mason curriculum, this guide is targeted for ages 7-10. This guide will also tie well with the American History study from Foundations: Lesson Guide for Year One, allowing you to further expand this study to include 5/6 year olds.


These lessons are already included in Program 1: Lesson Guide for Lower School B.



American History: Pre-17th Century: Lower School B

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